A naval officer (Kim Delaney) is ensnared in a plot involving military secrets and extortion after her traitorous ex-husband (David Keith) escapes from prison. While the writing is basically standard TV thriller stuff, Love & Treason stands out from the TV crowd with its unusually good production values and stylish direction. The deeply saturated colours and visually striking shots remind me of Jerry Bruckheimer's big action thrillers (well, on a much lower-key TV scale, of course). I'm not surprised to learn that the director, Lewis Teague, has several feature films under his belt and that the film was produced by the people behind Hunt for Red October. However, don't expect Bruckheimer-type action scenes. Indeed, the amount of action is minimal, with the running time largely filled by dialogue and intrigue. Teague keeps the pace fast and steadily builds the tension though, so lack of action is not a big problem. The actors are fine if unremarkable and great outdoor locations are used. Overall, it's well above average for a network TV movie.