The Saga Of Newfoundland
14 February 2002
Random Passage is an epic by no means short of the imagination. It may be a work of fiction, but it accurately reflects the early life on the fishing settlements of Newfoundland. It follows the lives of the Andrews' family, who left England; Mary Bundle, an Irish servant; and Thomas Hutchings, the founding man of Cape Random. Cape Random provides a sanctuary to those that seek a new life or escape an old one. But the Cape presents itself its own challenges. The fishery is the way of life, but the people are cheated by the low fish prices from the greedy merchants of St. John's.

It is an unforgiving land, where one slip on an ice-flow can send a sealer to his frigid death. It is a very important piece of work, as it explores the poverty, the inequality, the hardship, and the love and hate, that are experienced by these characters. It is the closest that rural Newfoundland will ever be presented in such an accurate and honest way.

It is the story of Newfoundland, its people and their lives.
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