Oro Diablo or Garimpeiros as it is known in Venezuela is a movie that fails to deliver a consistent story. aside from violent events, dirty talk, nudity and a very shallow love story, the movie does have anything else working for ti. It is the third movie from Producing Directing team Novoa-Schneider, and we can see a pattern of mediocre, poorly done, kitchy, films with the only common elements of being about "the true Venezuelan reality". By saying this they try to cover under the sheld of "If you dont like our films it is because you don't want to accept the reality of the country." That of course it not true. Their films lack any deep story telling elements such as Metaphores and fall back of the Venezuelan Soap Opera culture that has made its citizens acostume to see bad acting, bad directing and thousends of Cliches in the Story . It is a shame that they have been the only filmmaking team to recive national fundings for many years.. i look forward to a better time in the Venezuelan Film History