A personal highlight of the Edinburgh International Film Festival 2001, "Strumpet" is a dazzling showcase of DV filmmaking that never undermines the startling narrative, perfectly crafted by Jim Cartwright and realised by Danny Boyle. Christopher Eccleston is amazing! Hurting. Searching. Honest. Carrying the weight of life in "Chicken Town". Not since Four Weddings has the 'F' word been used to such good effect - here it hammers it's way into your psyche, painting a bleak canvas onto which the story unfolds. Anyways, enough already! Uplifting. Revelatory, and after months of rhetoric of how DV will change the world, I've finally seen the future... and it all hangs on a great story and true passion in front of and behind the camera.
This film shouldn't be defined by it's creation on DV. DV or not DV who cares? Good films come from the heart, and communicate some level of truth and experience and this film has plenty all round. Truly essential.
This film shouldn't be defined by it's creation on DV. DV or not DV who cares? Good films come from the heart, and communicate some level of truth and experience and this film has plenty all round. Truly essential.