This film is a mess.
From the beginning it is clear that this movie's first and foremost wish is: Your sympathy. It is clear that debutant director Hella Joof (probably Denmark's most succesful black actress!) has a lot of love for her characters. And that is probably why she has decided to fill this movie with a bunch of originals. And you wonder why there are so many of them. Many have one or two punch lines each - Peter Frödin as the only supporting role has got more! - and then they just remain there, filling the void left in which we ought to laugh. It seems as a waste of acting capacity seeing Ellen Hillingsøe, Pernille Højmark, Ditte Gråbøl, Thomas Winding, Lars Knutzon, Ghita Nørby, Hannah Bjarnhof etc. have so little screen time.
The plot surrounds the gay couple played very straight by Mads Mikkelsen and Troels Lyby. The one falls in love with the others sister in law and here goes trouble as it is in a bisexual reality.
The actors seem pretty much left to themselves and as most of them are experienced that can do. But Joof's eager to plaster celebrity Danes in every little part of the movie is ridiculous. Bodil award winner Zlatko Buric gets one line as a taxi driver - and that is symptomatic for the entire movie.
The only supporting role that earns praise is Lotte Merete Andersen as the doctor. She gets 30 second and steals the scene. That is acting!
Joof is famous for her special and somewhat childish humor as expressed in acting ensembles "Det Brune Punktum" and "Lex & Klatten" and it shows also here. Her fondness of 'dirty' words here are nevertheless not funny at all but seems misplaced in a film about very sensitive adults.
All in all this is a disappointment. Indeed one of the weakest Danish comedies in years.
From the beginning it is clear that this movie's first and foremost wish is: Your sympathy. It is clear that debutant director Hella Joof (probably Denmark's most succesful black actress!) has a lot of love for her characters. And that is probably why she has decided to fill this movie with a bunch of originals. And you wonder why there are so many of them. Many have one or two punch lines each - Peter Frödin as the only supporting role has got more! - and then they just remain there, filling the void left in which we ought to laugh. It seems as a waste of acting capacity seeing Ellen Hillingsøe, Pernille Højmark, Ditte Gråbøl, Thomas Winding, Lars Knutzon, Ghita Nørby, Hannah Bjarnhof etc. have so little screen time.
The plot surrounds the gay couple played very straight by Mads Mikkelsen and Troels Lyby. The one falls in love with the others sister in law and here goes trouble as it is in a bisexual reality.
The actors seem pretty much left to themselves and as most of them are experienced that can do. But Joof's eager to plaster celebrity Danes in every little part of the movie is ridiculous. Bodil award winner Zlatko Buric gets one line as a taxi driver - and that is symptomatic for the entire movie.
The only supporting role that earns praise is Lotte Merete Andersen as the doctor. She gets 30 second and steals the scene. That is acting!
Joof is famous for her special and somewhat childish humor as expressed in acting ensembles "Det Brune Punktum" and "Lex & Klatten" and it shows also here. Her fondness of 'dirty' words here are nevertheless not funny at all but seems misplaced in a film about very sensitive adults.
All in all this is a disappointment. Indeed one of the weakest Danish comedies in years.