Richard Jeni: Platypus Man (1993 TV Special)
Brilliant delivery & hilarious material
22 March 2001
Jeni's style leaves you breathless; try to finish laughing in time to catch a single breath to start all over again at the next line. If you saw the ill-fated "Platypus Man" sitcom, you saw the worst of Jeni's abilities. He does monologues with an unbridled fury & flurry. Dualogues or interactions with others are NOT his strength, but HBO captured his solo performance that spawned the TV series. Hey, if your stand-up routine is awful, they don't give you a series, right? Classic bit about lobsters in restaurants, and weathermen. If you ever get a chance to watch this, don't pass it up. If you ever get a chance to own a copy, get two... the first one will be worn out quickly.
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