Max Knight: Ultra Spy (2000 TV Movie)
Utter, utter crap
27 August 2002
I had the misfortune of stumbling across this move 4 days ago on showtime. I was so embarrassed as an Australian to see so many of our crap actors p1ssing around, coughing out ghastly puns and trying desperately to be American. I recently saw the bloke who plays Max Knight in an ad for cold and flu tablets (Hasn't he taken the next step up!) , fortunately it's a non-speaking role. He (The actor who plays Max Knight) is quite simply one of the the worst actors I've ever seen, Rachel Blakely can't do an American accent to save her life...nor can thew rest of the cast. I recommend watching this move if you are a budding actor, writer or director because it will give you a great confidence boost seeing the standard of bollocks that makes it to an international audience. 0/10
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