Moody, Disturbing, But....Slow
18 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
POSSIBLE SPOILER ****** Being a very low budget piece, I was really impressed by many aspects of this film such as top notch cinematography (very impressive Euro style), capable cast, good use of backgrounds and a well chosen classical musical score, all aspects usually missing from low budget indies. The problem with the film is it's pacing which is deadly slow, and it's lack of any suspense or emotion. Even with this criticism, the film is still a haunting work even after it's over. I still find myself thinking back on it's disturbing plot. POSSIBLE SPOILER. If anybody else has seen this can you explain the ending in the chapel? Not really sure what it meant, was the victim at the alter, the true villain of the piece (which would explain an earlier scene with the brutal murder in the kitchen) or was the the ending to show the futility of life on the part of the last surviving character. All in all gave it a 7/10. This director has promise, hope he continues his career in his art.
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