Good addition to a growing genre.
4 May 2001
I saw this film last evening at its premier in Boston at our Museum of Fine Arts. It is a well told story, set in a gay context. It is entertaining and has guts to it. It is a good addition to a growing genre of films, which deal with human issues about relationships in a gay/lesbian/bisexual context. The film's writer/leading actor, Dan Bucatinsky, was at the screening. He explained that the film is actually a screenplay version of his own play, which was produced in Los Angeles. The original play was not written in a gay context. The translation works and, as Bucatinsky shared at the screening, it actually expands his work in ways that he found quite fulfilling as a writer/actor. The film's pallet is much lighter than the recent "Urbania", but its themes are just as powerfully portrayed. It is not as goofy as "The Opposite of Sex" (written by this film's Executive Producer, Don Roos), but it has a lot of great laughs. The acting is evenly engaging, with cameo appearances by well known actors. I have intentionally omitted a plot summary. This is a project of love on a small budget. I think anyone who reads this comment can be guaranteed a good film and should go an see it to experience its warmth, humor and intelligence about people in love.
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