This movie has gotten a lot of praise for its wit, but I'm lost on that--I found it to be full of very writerly dialogue (everyone has the same sense of 'gay diva' humor, people give long-winded speeches a la Dixie Carter and everyone seems to be doing one-liners all the time) and cookie-cutter situations. The lead is miscast (I know, I know, he wrote it...) and unappealing, the hunk has charm to burn but can't convince as a teacher let alone as a drunk. What's interesting about this very by-the-numbers gay romantic comedy (a genre that is now glutted) are the supporting performances. Adam Goldberg is a lot of fun and brings a palpable sense of professional experience to the film, but what ROCKS are the girls. The fag hag sticks out like Megan Mulally on WILL & GRACE and Andrea Martin is HUH-LAR-I-OUS. The film got a "5" out of "10" from me, but I'd still say to go see it just for her precious few scenes. The funniest thing out there is her performance as a bizarre psycho(logist) mother. But to get that, you have to put up with a weird chronology (where the gay story seems to crawl and the straights are getting married), lame jokes about "Lifetime: Television for Women & Gays" and a lot of watchable and harmless but familiar fluff.