Review of In America

In America (2002)
Odd man out
12 May 2004
"In America" is about an Irish family of four who enter America at the Canadian border, sell their car for money, take up residence in a slum-like walkup in NYC inhabited by losers and druggies, and proceed to do really stupid things like let their little girls eat ice cream across the street unattended or bet all their money on a stupid carney game or enter an unknown black man's apartment while trick or treating. The film continues from there fabricating, manufacturing, and contriving moments with the obvious purpose of evoking, pathos, angst, woe, etc. And it worked. I could go on but anything I write will simply be lost in the wake of plaudits from all corners. "In America" is a hugely popular flick with a good cast, excellent performances, and solid production value recommended for everyone but me. (B)
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