David Blaine: Street Magic (1997 TV Movie)
The power of editing
4 November 2002
I've heard quite a lot of fuss over David Blaine. Sure he is a magnificent show-performer, entertainer and indeed magician - no question he is as big as his self-publising machine promotes himself to be. And he also has Uri Geller and Micheal Jackson as his friends. Whether that's a good thing or not is up to you.

Anyway, I'm not sure what to make of street magic. Sure it is amazing, and sure its totally different to the magic shows of Copperfield, etc but there's something quite not right. Its the editing. How many times does the camera cut between each shot or trick? If he were as good as he says he is he wouldn't need slick cutting.

There's also a problem that the camera focuses in, out or intersplices reactions from the crowd with different shots...I question what I see on the screen. And I think that's a good thing.

Anyway, its good entertainment...but its all down to the editing.
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