Review of Osmiyat

Osmiyat (1969)
Here is a film in which anti-fascist resistance theme has been interpreted in a fresh and spectacular manner. Psychological analysis has given way to action.
24 September 2004
The screenplay is based on real events in the life of the legendary partisan commander Chochoolu, who returns in Bulgaria from the Soviet Union at the beginning of WWII. One pitch-dark night, at the head of a small group of paratroopers, he jumps from a plane over the territory of Bulgaria, where amid great danger, and after many police ambushes, he manages to raise a partisan detachment and takes up the challenge of an armed struggle. The filmmakers are chosen the adventure story as the main vehicle in portraying the individual characters and drawing the collective image of the detachment. According to the canons of the genre the partisan commander has many good, even hyperbolic, qualities. He is brave, ingenious, honest, just and, above all, invisible. Some of his actions are quite incredible because they are much too risk. Psychological analysis has given way to action. The characters are sketched in just a few bold strokes since detailed characterization would have interfered with the dynamic flow of the story. Here is a film in which anti-fascist resistance theme has been interpreted in a fresh and spectacular manner.
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