I had the opportunity to see this film last year at a screening at a local college. I found the writing to be both unique and interesting, which is something you don't get in a lot of low-budget features. Keith Thomas Brown shines as Lou, an intricate character that could have fallen apart in the hands of other actors, and demands presence whenever he is in frame. Although he is angry for most of the film, Brown pulls off a wide range of emotions effectively and he creates a character that the audience members will dislike, yet relate to. Another great character in this film is Troy Vank, who is simultaneously haunting and hilarious as the Punch The Clown. Well-written, well-shot (considering the miniscule budget), and well-acted, this film represents everything that is great about independent cinema. I believe we will see great things in future projects by director Satchel Underwood and the cast of this film.