Antikiller (2002)
Solid piece of russian surprise.
31 December 2003
One comment to "nightingale": You saw 30min of a two hour movie and judge it as "script is terrible" ? I say, see the whole movie and your "comment will change"!

I found this movie to be a real fresh piece of work. I found some similaritys with Dobermann but all and all, this feels very different from anything i've seen so far.

And as far as terrible script goes i have to say that this is one of the few movies in the last 3-4 months that actually kept me interested throughout the movie. And the ending was one of the better in years.

One thing that is very annoying though is that when i rented it today the cover said "1:a på biotoppen" (number one at the boxoffice (which almost maid me NOT rent it)) which is funny as the movie has only 86 votes here. That makes me wonder; WHAT boxoffice :)

Summary: This is definitely a movie that i recommend you spend a few bucks on renting (that is if you looking for something different from the mainstream hollywood tv dinner).

PS: Any speling errors can be blamed on the fact that im not english or american.
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