Ah! the decline of Mexican cinema
14 July 2003
Yes this is the perfect example. DAMIANA Y LOS HOMBRES should've worked better as a soap opera. The plot is very simple.. A very poor girl gets the attention of a famous and rich publicist that offers her a chance to be her next beauty for his company. This poor but beautiful girl is Damiana (Carreño). While being in the city she meets a rich man and starts dating him, that changes her life as she had a formal boyfriend in her poor town.

The point is that Damiana ends up winning a very important beauty contest and lives happy forever. Mexican cinema detractors find this movie terrible! I second them. This was the time when Mexican cinema was in it's peak of mediocrity.

Meche Carreño is the best about this movie. She looked very sensual and I guess she could act.

"Welcome to Fright Night!...for real"
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