Normal People (2001–2003)
One of the Funniest Brazilian TV Series, About the Troubles of a Typical Medium Class Couple From Rio de Janeiro
26 May 2004
26 May 2004

Vani (Fernanda Torres) and Rui (Luiz Fernando Guimarães) is a typical medium class couple from Rio de Janeiro. They are engaged for five years, but they do not get married. This series explores all the stereotypes related to the behavior of the 'cariocas' (natives from the city of Rio de Janeiro) in many places, like in a club, bar, restaurant etc. It is very funny for Brazilians, but I am not sure whether a foreigner will understand all the jokes. This DVD presents six of the best episodes: (1) 'Os Normais' ('The Normals'); (2) ' Normas do Clube' ('Rules of the Club'); (3) 'Um Dia Normal' ('A Normal Day'); (4) 'Implicância é Normal' ('Malevolence is Normal'); (5) 'Fazer as Pazes é Normal' ('To Make Peace is Normal'; (6) 'Complicar é Normal' ('To Complicate is Normal'). My vote is nine.

Title (Brazil): 'Os Normais' (' The Normals')

07 Jan 2005

Os Normais: "A Última Temporada Completa" ("The Normals: The Complete Last Season")

The complete last season of "Os Normais" was released in a double DVD with thirteen very "spiced" episodes. In this season, Vani (Fernanda Torres) and Rui (Luiz Fernando Guimarães) meet Bernardo (Selton Mello) and Maristela (Graziela Moreto) in a very peculiar way while "dating" in their cars near a cliff. The two couple become friends and share very malicious situations together. My vote is seven.

List of Episodes: (1) "A Volta dos que Não Foram" ("The Return of Those Who Have Never Gone") - nine (23 Dec 2004); (2) "É uma Questão de Química, Entende?" ("It is a Question of Chemistry, Do You Understand?") - seven (23 Dec 2004); (3) "Sexo Só na Semana Que Vem" ("Sex Only Next Week") - seven (25 Dec 2004); (4)"Casal Que Vive Brigando Não Tem Crise" ("Couple Who Quarrels All the Time Does Not Have Crisis") - seven (25 Dec 2004); (5)"As Taras Que o Tarado Tara" ("The Perversions That the Pervert Perverts") - seven (25 Dec 2004); (6) "O Dia Que a Vani Pirou" ("The Day When Vani Got Crazy") - seven (25 Dec 2004); (7) "Ter Respeito É Trair Direito" (" Be Respectfull Is to Cheat Right") - seven (25 Dec 2004); (8) "Nosso Já Famoso Episódio Infame" ("Our Already Famous Infamous Episode") - eight (26 Dec 2004); (9) "Sonhos de Uma Noite de Serão" ("Dreams of a Nightshift Night") - seven (26 Dec 2004); (10) "Querer é Poder" ("Wish is Power") - eight (27 Dec 2004); (11) "O Grande Segredo de Rui e Vani" ("The Great Secret of Rui and Vani ") - seven (28 Dec 2004); (12) "As Outras Vidas de Rui" ("The Other Lives of Rui") - six (31 Dec 2004); (13) "A Vingança da CDF" ("The Revenge of the Nerd") - seven (01 Jan 2005).
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