Big Brother (V) (2001–2023)
Great show!!!
6 July 2001
Big Brother is probably one of the greatest shows ever to come out of Australia. (Actually I lie - there was Neighbours and there is Home and Away, Water Rats etc.). Anyway, although we are a day behind it's still thrilling watching Big Brother especially on eviction day. I think Gretel is an amazing host and a great comedienne. I've been watching from day one and seen everything from Andy's whips to Sharna spitting the dummy to the Anita vs. Blair bitch fight. By time this gets on the IMDB the winner may already have been announced and I wish them congratulations. I hope Sara-Marie wins because she's such a great person. She's funny and very normal (in the physical sense - she's... bigger than most stars if you know what I mean). Anyway great show Australia!!! and to all the housemates good luck in your careers. (Gretel, Ballerina, Blair & Flash ROCK!). And I don't think that many of the housemates realise that they are also famous in New Zealand. Pete knows as does Flash.


Mark Ferguson is our host in New Zealand as well as Gretel. He introduces and concludes the show so in as much sense should be credited after all it wasn't an Australian who put the Big Brother titles in... it was me, a pure bred Kiwi.
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