sad. very sad. so very, very, very sad. a downer of a film.
15 October 2002
As a college student, I can't quite put into words how depressing watching this movie was for me. Because even though a part of me wants to believe that this isn't how good-looking rich kids treat each other, another part of me has to acknowledge that this is, that there are people out there who truly don't care about themselves enough to respect other people in relationships, sexual or otherwise, that we as a society still find it acceptable to portray gay men as ONLY sex-obsessed, self-deluded persons swooning over strait counterparts and that it's one of the only representations we have in popular or cult films/culture, especially in this one, and that the death of romance has not only been portrayed, but that it's been slaughtered in full-force. Watching this film leaves you with a frozen kind of emptiness inside of you. The reverse-sequences interspersed throughout the film, as annoying and tiring as they are, remind you how backwards and unhealthy these kind of lifestyles are- lifestyles that base relationships (seemingly) on lust only, that don't seem to appreciate friendships formed along the road, that continually define life as one big shopping list of bedmates. I don't know...I hope the film is seen as a warning as to the disconnection and ultimately dissatisfying result being this way leads to. It's kind of rare for me to become so negatively opinionated about a movie, but this movie just struck me in a very cold, unfeeling place. It should be called "the rules of desolation."
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