The Quake 3 engine is used to excellent effect here by Raven. The game plays excellently, the first levels play nicely, presenting a nicely challenging first person shooter. Once you acquire the lightsabre about a third of the way through the game you begin to increase your force powers and the game, unfortunately, becomes laughably easy. The lightsabre deflects just about every single weapon blast, and simply standing in a corner will often clear a room for you. It's not until the later levels with the appearance of more lightsabre equipped enemies that it becomes more challenging again.
However in Multiplayer the game really begins to shine, it has the standard Deathmatch, Capture the Flag and some specific and unusual game modes. But essentially it's Quake 3 with lightsabres. There is a true 'honour' community amongst players, bowing to each other, not attacking when a guys sabre is deactivated (means I wish to talk) and other such courtesy. I've never had so much fun when fragging.
However in Multiplayer the game really begins to shine, it has the standard Deathmatch, Capture the Flag and some specific and unusual game modes. But essentially it's Quake 3 with lightsabres. There is a true 'honour' community amongst players, bowing to each other, not attacking when a guys sabre is deactivated (means I wish to talk) and other such courtesy. I've never had so much fun when fragging.