Twin Peaks (1990–1991)
Groundbreaking television
26 October 2004
The Twin Peaks pilot aired on April 8, 1990. It created a buzz around the nation as everyone wanted to know 'Who Killed Laura Palmer?' I highly recommend you watch this series. It will astound you, disturb you and most importantly, make you jones for coffee, doughnuts and cherry pie! Groundbreaking television! Episodes are available on VHS, with the first season on DVD.

The first episode of the Peaks that I actually watched was episode 16: Arbitrary Law (2.009, Original Airdate: December 1, 1990), in which a strange gathering is called to the Roadhouse and the murderer of Laura Palmer is revealed. I was hooked from that point on.

I've seen the complete series about 6 times and still marvel at the witty dialogue and 'Lynchian' feel. The series ended on June 10, 1991, with one of the unhappiest endings in the history of television.

Miguel Ferrer played FBI agent Agent Albert Rosenfield. Albert had the best lines in the series.

Watch Twin Peaks. Watch it!
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