No Child of Mine (1997 TV Movie)
A delicate and emotive subject, needed to be aired.
30 October 2004
A young lady abused by her parents and others, eventually finding a safe haven through a teacher who did his best to help. He did happen to mention 'a place near Bournemouth' and 'Childline' which did point her in the write direction. I hope for her sake, as there was no follow up to the film, that she has now found that all adults are not the same and she has found happiness. I am a child care officer and I was moved to tears with this film. The acting and direction was just right for a very delicate subject, which needed to to be brought to the surface. I applaud the TV company for airing it, as I am sure it took a brave decision. It was a class film full of emotion which, I don't believe it has been on since, anybody know if it is available on DVD or VHS?
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