Review of Lexx

Lexx (1996–2002)
Refreshingly original
4 November 2004
After so many other scifi shows that can't ever seem to get away from earth-based humans as the main backdrop, we have a completely new and original universe with a refreshing lack of moral conviction as a basis for plot building. In fact, the twisted irony of cosmic justice never quite prevails in the coolest blend of both tragedy and comedy I've ever witnessed. Of course the graphics are awesome, makes American made Trek look pretty pale, and the bad guy beats Vadar fingernails down. Theater students will find this show particularly appealing, especially as the series develops. The makeup, costuming, and set design are as refreshingly original as the story. Music students will be captivated by the soundtrack, which manages to sound entirely alien (from humans) in a lonely and hostile universe without sounding anything like the typical human interpretation of alien. I'm also fond of warship/spaceship construction-- I would LOVE to have a Lexx of my own! One more thing: inventing an entirely new and different cultural history is no small feat, and the energy that went into this film only comes from the best of the best. An entire universe hangs on the coolest twist of ironic fate, not on some slick protocol in a bureaucratic federation or an enraged teen with a lightsaber. And a lot of it is subtle. It's not all patly spelled out for you. Enjoy the ride!
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