I am a fourth generation Texan, I am proud of my state and my heritage, that been said, I am ashamed of the movie the Alamo, I am ashamed of the director, John Lee Hancock a Texan, turning David Crockett into a coward, I am ashamed of the director for turning the back injury Jim Bowie had at the Alamo into him being a sick drunk. I am ashamed of the movie studio for forcing this crap on Ron Howard and Russell Crowe until they quit the movie. The worst tripe of the movie was the idea that David Crockett was not killed at the Alamo, there he stood at the end of the movie on the wall, what a crock of crap, the director is telling you that after fighting the Indians, the French and the English, Crockett was now a coward, who begged for his life. The Alamo along with it's many historical inaccuracies is a slow moving, tedious, boring piece of bull that should never been made. Ron Howard did research for two years to make the real story of the Alamo, when the studio wanted to add a bunch of lies in to the movie; Howard quit, as he should have. The entire cast was boring and lifeless. 2 out of 10