The DVD of "Falling Like This" has a featurette in which the writer/director pats herself on the back and blathers on about what a great "love story" this is. Yeah. Right. Like the world needed ANOTHER story about a couple of teens who are born into such a terrible world that they don't care about anything. Anything except their own instant gratification that is. They have sex and do drugs and get drunk and skip school. romantic. This love story blows "As Good As It Gets" right out of the water doesn't it? Heh.
Our Brad Pitt wannabe hero thinks it's funny to constantly commit theft and even points guns at the cops. Of course, the police are shown to be a bunch of angry thugs who beat up our poor little lovable hero. Maybe he shouldn't commit felony after felony and maybe he shouldn't POINT A GUN AT THE POLICE!!
It scares me when I see people rave on and on about how great this is. Yes...I understand it is only a movie. Really I do. But even under those circumstances I don't know how anyone can enjoy watching these losers exhibit completely irredeemable behavior and do nothing of any substance for the entire length of the film. It's a total snoozefest and I have seen other shot-on-video movies look way better than this. A complete waste of time! 1/10
Our Brad Pitt wannabe hero thinks it's funny to constantly commit theft and even points guns at the cops. Of course, the police are shown to be a bunch of angry thugs who beat up our poor little lovable hero. Maybe he shouldn't commit felony after felony and maybe he shouldn't POINT A GUN AT THE POLICE!!
It scares me when I see people rave on and on about how great this is. Yes...I understand it is only a movie. Really I do. But even under those circumstances I don't know how anyone can enjoy watching these losers exhibit completely irredeemable behavior and do nothing of any substance for the entire length of the film. It's a total snoozefest and I have seen other shot-on-video movies look way better than this. A complete waste of time! 1/10