I saw this movie many years ago and would like to watch it again. It was shot during Khruschev 'ottepel'(thaw) - a short period of 'renaissance' of the Soviet cinema in 1960s, it made a very good impression at the time. There are a number of good movies produced then: 'Ballad of a Soldier', 'The Cranes Are Flying', 'I'm Twenty', 'The Wild Dog Dingo', 'Gamlet' just to name a few. According to the book, the events took place in 1936: the main characters study upcoming "Stalin Constitution" at school. (It was adopted in 1937). The town described in the book is not Odessa, but most likely Evpatoria - the place where B.Balter settled before WW2: the book states that they "ALSO" have "PERESYP" ("like Odessa"). Wondering where I could get this movie either on DVD or VHS.
Review of Do svidaniya, malchiki!
Do svidaniya, malchiki!
I saw this movie many years ago and would like to watch it again
25 November 2004