Still better than all the movies!!!!!!!!!!
29 November 2004
One guy called this show the TV equivalent to a bad sequel. I couldn't disagree more, but say what you want about this show... it is still better then every single one of the Batman movies. Nightwing is introduced on this series and hopefully in the next couple of years Bruce Timm will make a Nightwing series. Tim Drake is cool personified. Batgirl on this show is really good and she is the star of one of the best episodes of all the Batman Shows(including The Animated series). In this episode, she is drugged by the Scarecrow and has a dream that she dies and her father, Commissioner Jim Gordon, makes a vow to have Batman killed. For a minute I actually thought that Batgirl had really died and it wasn't until the end of the show that you find out it was all a dream. That was a superb episode. Bruce Timm and his people should be the only people allowed to make animated Batman cartoons. I give Gotham nights a 15/10. It is that damn good.

Batman in all of Bruce Timm's incarnations are great. If the movies would have followed this cartoon even a little, they would have been aeon's better then they were. A word to anyone interested in Batman. You want to see real Batman movies? The rent Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, Batman and Mr. Freeze: Subzero, and Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman. and watch them in the order that I named them. You can't go wrong. And while you are at it, get Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker!
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