I saw this film at the Seattle Film Festival in 1999 where it ran to full houses under the title: "THE LITTLE GIRL WHO FELL FROM A TREE", in German with subtitles. I'm really stunned that this terrific independent film has never been released on video. It went over big at the Seattle Film Festival and had a very good review in the Seattle Times. Part of the problem might be that it's in German, but I also think some people just didn't understand how brilliantly Michael Bartlett was playing in Germany with this otherwise very familiar American genre. There were many times, especially after the film's wonderfully edgy, David Lynch-like beginning, that I thought I'd seen all this somewhere before, but then it starts to creep up on you and you begin to realize that those blatant Hollywood clichés and similarities are there only to manipulate you into thinking you know what's going on and where ultimately all this is headed, which believe me, you don't. The film becomes consistently darker with many perfectly captured twists and turns before reaching its shocking (at least by Hollywood standards) climax. I recognized the male lead as one of the actors from another great film: STALINGRAD. He's good here too, but this film is all about the women, both hot in their own way.