The Curse of Her Flesh (1968) **1/2
29 December 2004
This is the delightfully sicko sequel to THE TOUCH OF HER FLESH, with director Michael Findlay directing as "Julian Marsh" and playing the maniacal predator Richard Jennings again, under still another name! I found this guilty pleasure to be more entertaining than the original, with what appear to be better production values, if such a term could apply to such an obviously cheap sexploitation flick. Live sound is used instead of voice-over work, and we get some interesting shots (the most impressive of which was a surprisingly gripping finale shot in the back of a moving truck).

There is really no clear plot here, nor is it needed: Still nursing a grudge due to the wife who cheated on him, the bitter forerunner of Jason Voorhees and all those later serial madmen is back to rid the world of all "bad girls" who strip and turn tricks. Richard Jennings deals death in a number of unusual ways (using cats, a machete, poison and sexual devices perhaps better left unmentioned here). Oh, and don't miss the segment with the squash (yes - squash).

Contains a potent S&M stage scene and an enticing pre-credits striptease not only at the start of the festivities (with a nicely done credits sequence this time too), but again later on with more of the same.
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