Slightly overrated home invasion Violent Pinker
1 January 2005
I've just re-watched this film, Beautiful Sisters: Flesh Slave, and I found myself appreciating it more. Although it isn't in the same league as "pink roughies" like Yukihiro Sawada's Asaault!, or Woman of the Afternoon;Incite, it does dip its toe in that sub-genre.

The film is very shot and framed, the sex scenes are above-average, and the "story" is adequately resolved. The crime/roughie plot is not pushed hard enough, so things become repetitive after a while, but, to their credit, they try something a little novel here.

Influenced by Craven's LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT and Fruet's superior THE HOUSE BY THE LAKE, the story involves two siblings (women, of course) whose apartment is invaded by a psycho with rape and torture on his mind.

But what sounds like potentially volcanic material is squandered on Fukii because he's not up to the task, technically, of visually essaying the potential horror of this stock set-up.

Sisters Rei Akasaka and Megumi Kiyosato are strong opposition to Kiriko Shimuzu's headcase and are carnally alluring, but the uncreative coverage of the atrocities blunts the overall effect.

Like Sato's LOLITA VIBRATOR TORTURE, this is all pregnancy and no delivery.

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