Pretty good, though a square peg in a round hole
4 January 2005
This movie had trouble deciding whether it was a comedy or an action thriller. But I don't think I would have enjoyed it if the comedy hadn't been there. I won't say Jamie Foxx showed the talent for playing Ray Charles, but he was okay. He wasn't a complete goofball. If he showed any range at all, it came in jail when the other prisoner got sick. If anyone gave a good performance, it was the man who was chasing Jamie, but I don't remember his name. Quite a disturbing character. Also good: the actor playing the government agent who seemed to be in charge.

The best thing about the movie was the way it ended. Very exciting, with lots of good editing and stunt work. I will say only that this happened at a race track, with one rider going against the horses who were in an actual race!

It was also exciting the way the FBI was able to keep track of Jamie's character. I don't know how realistic the technology was, but it was interesting and the special effects and computer technology were enjoyable to watch.

It wasn't the best action film ever, but it wasn't complete garbage.
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