visually grand escapism
7 January 2005
Considering this was the first ever screen adaption of Frank Herbert 2nd nd 3rd books about "Dune" I was most impressed. Visually this sci-fi channel original was fantastic, actually an improvement over the first mini-series. The opening act is the strongest. Alia (wonderfully played by Daniela Amavia) is sexy and just a touch mad. Paul is weary and introverted. Then there is a real shocker at the end of part 1. Wow. Unfortunately this pace is not maintained is parts 2 & 3. It becomes convoluted and even a bit sillier. Susan Sarandon basically does a wicked witch impersonation and tries to foil the Atredies twins with tigers?!? It comes off a bit lame. The religious allegory is fine and Alec Newman (Paul) does well with the ridiculous "prophet" getup he's saddled with. Still Leto seems to indicate a we've met the deities and they is us message and that seems awfully forced after all the Spice-induced magic we've seen. Also although Alia spice addiction is better handled here than anywhere previously in the "Dune " universe it still could be better. Add some depth and realism for Pity's sake! Overall this is very good, but still I think, with all due respect to Mns. Lynch and Harrison, the definitive version of "Dune" is yet to come.
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