Don't you just hate those peace loving, bleeding heart liberals that aren't fit to live in that great land America, let alone serve in her army just to desert? Why, that's like wiping your @$$ with the American flag!!!! Or so thinks Charlie, a patriotic, war-hardened, mysogynistic bully who was a sergeant in WWII and Vietnam (a completely over the top performance from Rod Steiger).Charlie doesn't have much time for David, the minder of the hunting lodge Charlie and his army buddies (cronies) are staying at. David happens to be a deserter and that makes Charlie mad. Mad enough to KILL!
This movie is pretty much given away in the first scene, and confusing cut away scenes throughout it also detract from an otherwise OK tale about a guy who just wants to be left alone vs a psychotic old army guy.
This movie is pretty much given away in the first scene, and confusing cut away scenes throughout it also detract from an otherwise OK tale about a guy who just wants to be left alone vs a psychotic old army guy.