Red Sonja (1985)
Good Spin Off From Conan Series
11 January 2005
I'm a great fan of the Conan series and of course my favourite is the first of the series "Conan the Barbarian". I bought Red Sonja on DVD for only $9.95 and I was surprised to find as entertaining as the first two Conan films. Arnold Schwarzenegger executed his character outstanding throughout the fight scenes and as Kalidor even though the film was focused on Red Sonja. Brigitte Nielsen was beautiful and played Red Sonja perfectly to heighten the suspense and action through the fight scenes. The Film quality was good into creating a fantasy environment. The Action scenes in this film was the main part that me through this film even though its PG there's enough blood for the warmongers to enjoy. To conclude whoever loves Barbaric films such as the Conan films or Kull the Conqueror this is the film for you.

Conan The Barbarian (1982) 8/10 Conan The Destroyer (1984) 6/10 Red Sonja (1985) 6/10
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