My Opinion as A Hendrix Fan:
12 January 2005
You know, this movie is odd, but interesting to watch. Taking from a completely different time and from a different view that most people at the time either didn't do themselves or couldn't understand. The reason why I said this film "could have been good" was due to the fact a lot of people watch this because of the Hendrix material in it. I personally have come to collect more than 400 Hendrix CD's, 50+ DVD's among many VHS tapes, posters, etc.....of Jimi Hendrix and I found this movie to be a real travesty. The Editing job during his play was so mies-matched, it made me forget the last hour of the movie and hate what I was seeing. There's parts where what the movie was showing him do wasn't even matching what was being played. I understand that it was made at a really low budget and at a different time however, I really think whoever actually let this movie be released was on some kind of drug that the editor was on because, it's obvious of all of the flaws. 2/10.
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