Exposition is not without merit.
12 January 2005
You know what was great about the late 80's and early 90's? All of those old shows we love, like Knight Rider and Quantum Leap and the A-Team. Shows that while they contained over-the-top action and cheesy comedy, had endearing characters and interesting premises that weren't so tired as to be not worth watching. I think that Kung Fu, The Legend Continues fits neatly into that list of 'B' list TV favorites.

Following the further adventures of Kwai Chang Kaine as his wandering finally comes to an end and he settles down long enough to be with his son, a detective in the inner city, this is both a cop and Kung Fu show and a curious parody of how the perceptions of Asian mysticism have worked their way into modern culture. David Caradine's character's amusement at the modern world is quirky and anachronistic, and interesting characters like the Ancient keep you coming back. And of course, there's just something to be said about listening to David Caradine talk.

Another twist here was the sense of history that the connection to David Caradine's old Kung-Fu Western, the original Kung Fu gave the sequel series. The show hearkens back to it's roots by containing flashbacks, not of Kaine this time as in the original series, but of his son's history as he recalls the teachings of the Shoulin monks when faced with trouble.

Movies like Big Trouble in Little China, Kill Bill volumes 1 and 2, and even the Matrix trilogy would later rely on the groundwork laid by this and other shows and films to set the stage for wacky wire works combat and mystical fights where more than was normally possible was suddenly a part of the story. It's clear to most that the gravel-voiced Caradine was chosen for his role in Kill Bill for his contribution to the Kung-Fu Spagetti Western, a genre he and contemporary Bruce Lee helped create, and the very character he plays here.

Over all, take KF:LC for what it is; a fun action series with memorable characters. Enjoy.
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