Something does not Work Well With This Movie
27 August 2004
A group of animal rights activists' trespasses a lab to release animals, and a bear trap catches Gary (Ross McCall), one of the members. He is arrested but he does not denounce his friends. He goes to jail alone for a three years sentence and the team disassembles. One year later, they reunify and become aware that Gary was a volunteer of an experiment to reduce his period in prison. Later, they received an encoded message from Gary asking for help. The place where he is lodged is an abandoned laboratory and they decide to rescue him. Once in the location, weird events happen with each member of the group. This movie has a good premise, but something does not work well. For example, why the guys decide to smoke grass during their assignment? How and why exist live animals in a desert place? This forgettable film can be recommended for killing time only. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): `A Ameaça' (`The Menace')
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