a work of genius
6 March 2004
Human civilization may be judged, in the end, by the contribution of its artists to the greater social discourse, and if this is the case for short film, then Sophie Goodhart makes a good case for the continuation and, dare I suggest it, procreation of the species.

My Blind Brother is a unique achievement in the short and uneventful history of cinema, as it touches each of the available human emotions and stimulates them to a feverish climax. Afterwards it tosses them an old towel and asks them to clean themselves up in the bathroom. For days after seeing this film I felt empty inside, but I've grown as a cineaste, and as a man, and have come to appreciate it. Sophie Goodhart is an artist of incomparable virtue, and I look forward to her imminent assumption -- with her first feature film -- of the mantel of genius.
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