Moon Child has the perfect mix of scifi, fantasy, and action. The acting by Gackt and Hyde was flawless. The story line of friends passing through life, making choices which bring them in and out of touch with each other, and ultimately finding they are forever bound together is tempered well with fantasy styled violence so as not to become too sappy. Although the movie speeds through time, all that happens is in sync. The ending was a bit of a surprise, considering the choice Sho made about raising his daughter. Even the love aspect of the film did not overpower the storyline. The filming techniques were awesome. Two minutes into the movie and I was unaware that it was subtitled. Well worth the watching, even the third time around. And it doesn't hurt that both Gackt and Hyde are breathtakingly beautiful to look at.
Review of Moon Child
Moon Child
Unique mix of genres and an incredible experience.
15 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers