Its a poetry
18 July 2003
Sanjhbatir roopkothara by Anjan Das is a beautiful movie. I saw this in a film festival in LA where director presented the movie with an introductory speech. Writer of the story is Joy Goswami. Joy is one my favorite poet. This is joy's first attempt to write a novel and a successful one.

No wonder movie is also all about poetry. Indrani Halder acted very well, she wanted to write poetry, but didn't know what to write or where to start. Her father (acted by Soumitra chatterjee) introduced her to Pablo Neruda's collection. So poetry started at a young age.

Its a must see film for serious movie goers.

This was my comment after seeing first time in LA, film festival. After this I have seen the movie several times and also read the book. Every time it appeared to me with a slightly different meaning, but I was never bored to see the movie. I hope to write a new review when I am settled down with all the collective reviews.
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