The problem with this game is that it has to try and beat Medal of Honor : Allied Assault, and to be honest it doesn't. Don't get me wrong it's a great game and graphically it's arguably better than MOHAA; but MOHAA just plays better. I don't why because both games could have used the same game engine as far as I know. Both games have similar missions (both are based around the Normandy landings), the same look, the same array of weapons, infact COD could have been an expansion pack for MOHAA and most people would have hardly noticed, they are that similar. The only major difference between these two games, is that in MOHAA you actually get to participate in the Normandy landings (which is one of the best levels in any game ever!). Whereas in COD you are involved in pathfinder missions (your sent ahead of the invasion force). You do get to play on three sides in COD though (American, British and Russian). Although you don't get to choose which one you play, as you have to play the missions in order (the ability to choose your missions and side would have probably made this better than MOHAA). You start out playing as the Americans, then British, then Russians (6 missions each), once they are completed, you then have one final mission for each. Each of these missions are pretty much of the same type as the ones in MOHAA, so if you've played MOHAA you'll feel right at home. In fact that is one of the things that annoys me slightly about this game, it's SO like MOHAA that you'll find it fairly easy to complete (I only bought it yesterday and I've already completed all the American missions, except the final one, and all the British missions except the final one. All this in just under 3 hours WITHOUT cheating).
So this game really is just a clone of MOHAA, which is a good thing, because MOHAA is such a great game, but also a bad thing, because it really doesn't offer anything new. If you really loved MOHAA and want some more of the same, get this while you wait for MOH:Rising Sun. If you haven't played MOHAA then go get it instead of this, as the Omaha beach landing mission is worth the price alone (think Saving Private Ryan, but actually being part of it!).
Call of Duty, a great game, but to much like MOHAA to stand out.
So this game really is just a clone of MOHAA, which is a good thing, because MOHAA is such a great game, but also a bad thing, because it really doesn't offer anything new. If you really loved MOHAA and want some more of the same, get this while you wait for MOH:Rising Sun. If you haven't played MOHAA then go get it instead of this, as the Omaha beach landing mission is worth the price alone (think Saving Private Ryan, but actually being part of it!).
Call of Duty, a great game, but to much like MOHAA to stand out.