Muffin Man (2003)
Move over Christopher Guest
27 February 2004
When you mention the word "mockumentary" you usually think about movies by Christopher Guest (Waiting for Guffman, Best in Show) or Woody Allen (Take the money and run, Sleeper). But Muffin Man brings the mockumentary concept into the 21th century - to the year 2030, to be exact, when human beings complete their evolution from homo sapiens to homo twinkus. The new species, dubbed Muffin Man, is overweight, lazy, and sits around eating junk food and watching TV. Extinction soon follows. I think the whole concept is very funny, and the execution is great - the acting is good, the jokes are hilarious, the production is obviously low budget but still very good. If you are offended by this movie, then you need to take a good honest look at yourself in the mirror, because you're probably a Muffin Man!
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