Crying Ladies (2003)
Saw this in the Philippines
20 February 2004
I saw this movie in Cebu (middle of Philippines) a month ago. I do not understand Tagalog, so I got a whispered translation in the theatre.

Even so, the jokes came through, and they were intelligent and fresh, as is the story. It is not a fluff piece, but neither is it not a melodrama. It is a good story about three middle aged women slogging through various crises in their lives, all caught through the lens of a man coping with the death of his father, whose lifetime secrets reveal themselves.

The running joke about the waylaid sunglasses, stolen by Sharon Cuneta from Eric Quizon after he forgets them, and how they wind up on the face of the police officer who escort's the funeral procession is pretty funny, as is the story of the final days of Sharon Cuneta's relationship with her soon-to-be-taken-from-her son touching.

My advise: see it and enjoy it, it is worth your time.
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