I saw this opening weekend in 2001 with some free movie passes and I loved it! It was the best film of the year, and 2001 didn't have a whole lot to offer! So many other reviewers compare it to "Swingers", which they shouldn't. Very different movie. Same urban backdrop. Same actors. Completely different characters and plot. The various locations in L.A. I could relate with since I been to almost all of them; Ricky Slade (Vince Vaughn) was the most comically obnoxious a%$hole on celluloid in the past few years. The chemistry between he and Favreau is awesome. My friends at work and I would recite dialogue like a couple of dorks from that movie, and I tried to even impress my wife (back then my girlfriend) watching it after a night of partying. Didn't work- it's truly a guy's movie, but she married me anyway! I hope Favreau and Vaughn do another flick together. They can do a documentary on painting walls and it would be hi-lar-ious! "Made" is a film either you love or you hate: I chose the first since it takes too much energy to hate when you got a hangover & need a quick laugh...