Review of Neo Ned

Neo Ned (2005)
Just watched it at Tribeca Festival and.....
22 April 2005
I really enjoyed it! I saw Mrs. Union sitting a few rows in front of me before the films started and not knowing who she was, made a mental note to try and talk to her after the film (Once the film started and I saw she was one of the leads I decided to abandon that idea! :))

But back to the film, let's start with the end, it actually brought an emotional tear to my eye and although at least part of the ending is predictable I found the other part of the ending a nice surprise. Both lead were great, the guys who plays Ned was awesome, great character, great acting. It must be had to act as someone who is supposed to be acting a part, and still let the true inside person shine through. Ms. Union's part was more subdued, but just as well played; she was a Martin to his Lewis, giving the viewers a person who was easier to relate to.

A fine film! I hope it gets the release it dissevers.

One last note. One guy in the audience was "disturbed" by the use of race in the film, he thought it was treated too lightly, but I feel race in this film was more like window dressing; it was a means to an end. This film is not about a white neo Nazi and an emotionally disturbed black woman (well I guess it is on the surface); it's really about two dysfunctional people who try to help each other like GARDEN STATE. But Neo Ned works better than Garden State and has almost as good a soundtrack.
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