Review of Evolution

Evolution (2002)
Very interesting and informative
3 May 2005
This is an excellent series, which explains a lot about evolution and demonstrates how it affects our everyday lives, particularly in reference to AIDS patients and Russian prisoners. The dramatization of Darwin's life and development of his theory provides a fascinating background to the science. My main complaint with series is in the final episode, "What about God?" I have nothing against the existence of the episode, for this is a very important concept, one which many people wrestle with and which affected Darwin profoundly. My main concern is that the creationists appear to have complete control over the episode. A reply may be that the "evolutionists" had complete control over the other episodes; however, evolution is a valid science, whereas creationism is religion presented as science. The creation/evolution controversy is an important topic for discussion, especially in a series on evolution, but they didn't discuss the controversy very much. When the high school students wanted to get some form of creationism taught in their school, they made vague references to evidence against evolution, but that evidence wasn't mentioned. Most likely, the evidence is simply alleged complications that only seem difficult when one doesn't have a good understanding of science. Scientists have probably refuted all of those claims many times over, but this wasn't addressed in the show. Nor was it mentioned that evidence against evolution isn't automatically evidence in favor of creationism. The discussion of how students at a conservative Christian college were attempting to accommodate evolution to their religious beliefs was also very interesting, although not sufficiently developed. Finally, the different forms of creationism also weren't mentioned, with the episode's becoming largely a forum for Ken Ham. Probably, there wasn't enough time, but it would have been interesting to see more of this discussed.
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