Least likable of the series
10 May 2005
I don't seem to share most commentators' view that this is one of the best in the series, indeed I like it least. I find it harder to believe, with it's thrice abused Nami allowing herself to slide into a relationship with her last would be rapist, who had originally planned to have sex with her body after he believed he had killed her on the road. I find it hard to empathise with the characters for the same reason and I have even more trouble in this part of the series with the basic premise. Struggling to survive an attempted rape by one patient in her hospital while a second patient holds her down she finally manages to get out of the room albeit in dishevelled state. Bumping into another nurse in the corridor, the look on the other's face clearly tells us that there is no question that assistance will be called for and that conversely Nami has offended. I know this attitude existed and still exists to some extent but within a hospital with a patient crying that as he is to die he wants to have sex first (with a nurse!) and be able to have the shame directed towards the victim? Very hard to believe and as the fifth part of such an excellent series based on this director's own manga and scripts I think it a shame this is so melodramatic. Plenty to enjoy as well of course for Mr Ishii is a major talent and a stylish director.
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