In my mind, "Bewitched", "I Dream of Jeannie" and "The Flying Nun" constitute the troika of sitcoms that truly represented the 1960's (colorful and pushing the limits; for that matter, "The Beverly Hillbillies", "Gilligan's Island" and "Batman" could also qualify). "The Flying Nun" tells the story of Sister Bertrille (Sally Field), who after joining San Tanco Convent in Puerto Rico discovers that she can literally aviate. She usually spends very little time in the air, but her unusual ability always helps people get out of trouble. Mother Superior (Madeline Sherwood) disapproves of Bertrille's fancy-free attitude, but ladies man Carlos Ramirez (Alejandro Rey) is often able to help her out with certain things.
"The Flying Nun" was admittedly outlandish, but it's harmless as can be. Specifically, Bertrille could represent the rebellious younger generation, while Mother Superior is the stagnant older generation.
Anyway, it's a fun show for everyone. A person would have to lack a sense of humor not to like it.
"The Flying Nun" was admittedly outlandish, but it's harmless as can be. Specifically, Bertrille could represent the rebellious younger generation, while Mother Superior is the stagnant older generation.
Anyway, it's a fun show for everyone. A person would have to lack a sense of humor not to like it.