I'm sorry if any of you liked it (I hope none of you can admit to that), but this was by far THE WORST horror film I've seen in a long time. It looks very convincing on a shelf and even the pictures on the back make the movie look quite menacing, but after the first 5 minutes into it its like you can't believe you threw about 3 or 4 bucks down the drain. In no way do you ever care about these characters in the least bit. The effects do not help advance the plot but rather make you wonder why they even used effects. And this movie is a lot like a teenager exploitation slasher film aside from the fact they decided to make it on the farm. How original. What got me the most was that I couldn't even laugh at any of it it was so bad. There is a line between funny and extremely awful and this movie has surpassed that line. If you are a veteran horror fan I do not suggest you add this to your collection or attempt to watch it. You will feel violated and sick after wards. The acting is appalling, the effects are worthless and the "monster" isn't even believable as far as costume goes. You feel like its some random snuff film compiled by some rich kids that don't know anything about film or cinema in general. Like someone just had money to waste. This movie was terrible and I hope you never get the pleasure of seeing it.