I usually don't like sequels, and I most often hate when they do a third movie. Well for some odd reason I really enjoy watching the blade movies. The first Blade is of course the best by far, but I still enjoy the two sequels. There were some things that annoyed me about Blade: Trinity, and that was how the action sequences was shot. Very up and close, with fast cutting so you really can't see what is being done. Old Hollywood trick when the actor or actress doesn't know martial arts but we are meant to think that he/she does. But if you take away that fact, you still have about two hours with action, one liners and people too cool for their own good. This is Blade ladies and gentlemen, and you know he will get the job done while saying cheesy lines and killing bad guys off one by one. If you go to see this movie, keep an open mind because if you want a good movie you will be disappointed. If you on the other hand want to be easily entertained without having to think about plot holes and bad lines, you will be glad you went. I rate this movie 6/10